Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tomorrow is the big day!

The first day of classes is finally here!  It's been almost 6 months since I found out I had been accepted, and those 6 months have been the longest of my life in many respects.  They have been long months of anxiously waiting for school to start, of worrying about whether I could handle the challenges being in PA school would present, of being so excited to finally be living out my dream...just 6 very long months. 

Now that it is here, I have gotten over MOST of my insecurities, and am totally ready to dive into the insane workload of the summer semester.  I have 4 classes, but undoubtedly, the one that will dominate my life this summer is Human Anatomy.  Lecture is scheduled 4 days a week, Monday-Thursday from 8-10am, with the corresponding lab scheduled 2 days a week, Tuesday and Thursday from 1-5pm.  That being said, I will certainly be spending more that 8 hours a week in the Anatomy lab, considering there is so much material to learn, and not nearly enough time in that 8 hours per week to finish the required dissections, and actually retain what the heck we are seeing inside.  Just the amount of books I have had to purchase for Anatomy alone (8 in total) bears some idea of the kind of workload I am about to undertake.  None the less, I am so excited, a true testament to how much I love medicine, and the great extent to which my life is dominated by it.  I willingly commit my time to reading books that many wouldn't touch, unless threatened, and I actually find everything I read fascinating.

That being said, any of you out there reading can probably already foresee the future, when, at the end of the summer, I will be blogging about how much I cannot stand Anatomy, and how happy I will be to be done with that class forever.  But, being fresh-faced and not tainted by late nights, too much coffee, too-little sleep, and long hours in the cadaver lab, I can still stand here and honestly say how much I love Anatomy.

That is all for now, since I actually have to set the alarm and return to the academic schedule.  At least I have a pot of coffee ready to brew the minute that alarm goes off at 5:45 tomorrow morning.

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tomorrow is the big day!

The first day of classes is finally here!  It's been almost 6 months since I found out I had been accepted, and those 6 months have been the longest of my life in many respects.  They have been long months of anxiously waiting for school to start, of worrying about whether I could handle the challenges being in PA school would present, of being so excited to finally be living out my dream...just 6 very long months. 

Now that it is here, I have gotten over MOST of my insecurities, and am totally ready to dive into the insane workload of the summer semester.  I have 4 classes, but undoubtedly, the one that will dominate my life this summer is Human Anatomy.  Lecture is scheduled 4 days a week, Monday-Thursday from 8-10am, with the corresponding lab scheduled 2 days a week, Tuesday and Thursday from 1-5pm.  That being said, I will certainly be spending more that 8 hours a week in the Anatomy lab, considering there is so much material to learn, and not nearly enough time in that 8 hours per week to finish the required dissections, and actually retain what the heck we are seeing inside.  Just the amount of books I have had to purchase for Anatomy alone (8 in total) bears some idea of the kind of workload I am about to undertake.  None the less, I am so excited, a true testament to how much I love medicine, and the great extent to which my life is dominated by it.  I willingly commit my time to reading books that many wouldn't touch, unless threatened, and I actually find everything I read fascinating.

That being said, any of you out there reading can probably already foresee the future, when, at the end of the summer, I will be blogging about how much I cannot stand Anatomy, and how happy I will be to be done with that class forever.  But, being fresh-faced and not tainted by late nights, too much coffee, too-little sleep, and long hours in the cadaver lab, I can still stand here and honestly say how much I love Anatomy.

That is all for now, since I actually have to set the alarm and return to the academic schedule.  At least I have a pot of coffee ready to brew the minute that alarm goes off at 5:45 tomorrow morning.

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